Payment plans

All families are required to enroll in FACTS Tuition Management to set up a payment plan for tuition, other fees and incidental billings. The four payment options available are: one annual payment, semester, quarterly, or 12 monthly payments July to June. We offer a 2% discount when tuition is paid early in full by June 30 for the fall school year. For questions on tuition payments and discounts, contact Kathleen Pozos, PCS Bookkeeper, at or (309) 686-4500 ext. 214.

Tuition Assistance

The sibling discount applies for all students grades PreK - 12. In addition, families can receive tuition assistance for students grades K-12. To apply for tuition assistance, complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment at and create an account. There is a $35 Grant & Aid application fee collected by FACTS upon submission of the aid application. To apply for admission to the school, you need to complete a student application available on the admissions page.

other fees

  • Building fee - $672 per year or $56/month if doing 12 monthly payments, per family (1/2 fee for Pre-K Half-Day).

  • New student or new sibling - a one-time $99 application fee is required at the time of application.

  • Annual Registration fee - helps cover hearing and vision testing, field trip transportation, technology, agendas, FACTS fees, etc., and varies by grade. Pre-K = $55, Kindergarten to Grade 8 = $115, Grades 9-12 = $175. (Registration funds are nonrefundable.)

  • Uniform shirts - available for purchase online and at the California Ave. campus school spirit store called “The Charging Station”. Click here for store hours, contact information and to order online - online Charging Station spirit store.